
The Poor Law Union is a creative partnership which seeks to understand and define the individual and its society: is society just another word for the group or has it become an entity unto itself, capable of an existence in spite of its members?

For Coastal Currents, The Poor Law Union has walked the Old Hastings Parish line documenting their journey and gathering objects along the way. These artefacts form the basis of a topographical enquiry addressing in principle concerns of boundaries man made and natural, seen and unseen, and the implication of these boundaries on those living within and outside them.The culmination of this investigation is a multi-media installation which presents their ideas and observations and the inevitable questions that these raise.

Borderline film

Nicky Gilmour


The Reading Room at 12 Claremont was the location for Bertrand Gadenne‘s rear projection L’Hibou (the Owl). Gadenne lives and works in Lille-Hellemmes and is a lecturer at École des Beaux-Arts de Dunkerque.
The rear projected installation was integrated with the urban environment, it was accessible from dusk to dawn in the Claremont/Trinity St. area of Hastings town centre, back-projected onto the Reading Room window and created a fiction which established a chance relationship between the image and viewer. This over-sized bird’s presence in the public space exercised a simultaneous power of attraction and repulsion over passers-by.

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